Blood Bowl Griff Oberwald

£11.47 £13.50

Blood Bowl Griff Oberwald

Blood Bowl Griff Oberwald

Griff Oberwald is amongst the greatest Human players to ever step onto the gridiron. Certainly, whenever the discussion of ‘greatest player ever’ crops up, Griff is one of the players mentioned as a top-ranking candidate. It wouldn't be outrageous to suggest that the golden boy of the Bögenhafen Barons is, perhaps, the best of all time.

It’s rare for a Star Player to match their reputation, but Griff manages it with a strong profile, useful skills, and a unique special ability that makes him more reliable than his peers. He can play for Halfling Thimble Cup (honestly, they could use the help) as well as Old World Classic teams, and he deserves a place on them all.

This finely detailed plastic model is supplied in 13 components, and comes with a 32mm Round Blood Bowl base.

All the rules you need to use Griff Oberwald are included for your convenience. You can also find them in Blood Bowl – The Official Rules and Spike! Journal Issue 12.

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£13.50 £11.47

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