Carnevale Strigoi Footsoldiers

£22.50 £25.00

Carnevale Strigoi Footsoldiers

Carnevale Strigoi Footsoldiers

This box contains an excellent boost to any Strigoi gang. With two Common Strigoi to hold the line, they are Henchmen that in any other gang would be Heroes. They're helped with a single Thrall armed with a crossbow for ranged damage and the ability to give the Strigoi Action Points. Finally two Reapers complete the set: berserkers of unparalleled ferocity, fast and deadly to all but the most well protected enemies.

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If you order this item, we will restock it asap; These products are ordered on the 1st of each month, once ordered the estimated wait time for delivery to store is 4 days .

Restock times are estimates and require the supplier to have the item in stock. If delivery is time sensitive, like a birthday or tournament, please contact us before ordering.

£25.00 £22.50

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